SG50’s Sand Animation Short Film – “Sands of Our Fathers” [Proudly Supported by Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY)]:
A unique hybrid of dance, music, sand animation & special effects; this is a SG50 tribute short film!
Sand as white as snow, signifying the purity & youth of our homeland...
With blood, sweat & tear, a man crafted a future where peace & prosperity prevails...
An ethereal story of fear, hopes & dreams told through the elegance of a young dreamer in a land we called home...
A timeless journey of our founding father’s inconceivable effort & dedication; whose vision transforms this tiny island into a land of possibilities…
A land called “Singapore".
A unique hybrid of dance, music, sand animation & special effects; this is a SG50 tribute short film!
Sand as white as snow, signifying the purity & youth of our homeland...
With blood, sweat & tear, a man crafted a future where peace & prosperity prevails...
An ethereal story of fear, hopes & dreams told through the elegance of a young dreamer in a land we called home...
A timeless journey of our founding father’s inconceivable effort & dedication; whose vision transforms this tiny island into a land of possibilities…
A land called “Singapore".